Price Analysis of CELO, VLX, and LPT

The price analysis generated and provided by CoinCodex shows that Celo’s (CELO) price has surged by 66.29% in the past 30-days. In the past 7-days, the price of Celo has surged by 25.42%, and in the past 24-hours, the surge has been worth 2.84%. The price of Celo being recorded at the moment is worth $5.70 per CELO. From the time of launch, the all-time high Celo has hit is $10.66. The all-time high for Celo was recorded on August 30, 2021.

The 30-day trading volume that has been recorded for Celo is worth $1,711,618,935. The 7-day trading volume that has been recorded for Celo is worth $424,705,070 and the 24h trading volume for Celo is worth $189,089,972.

At present, the market valuation recorded for Celo is worth $2,206,425,238. At the moment, Celo ranks as the 65th largest cryptocurrency in the entire crypto-verse.

The price analysis generated and provided by CoinCodex shows that Velas’s (VLX) price has surged by 59.35% in the past 30-days. In the past 7-days, the price of Velas has surged by 41.99%, and in the past 24-hours, the surge has been worth 7.98%. The price of Velas being recorded at the moment is worth $0.509 per VLX. From the time of launch, the all-time high Velas has hit is $0.572. The all-time high for Velas was recorded on November 4, 2021.

The 30-day trading volume that has been recorded for Velas is worth $1,019,427,133. The 7-day trading volume that has been recorded for Velas is worth $290,429,953 and the 24h trading volume for Velas is worth $29,165,354.

At present, the market valuation recorded for Velas is worth $994,265,371. At the moment, Velas ranks as the 90th largest cryptocurrency in the entire crypto-verse.

The price analysis generated and provided by CoinCodex shows that Livepeer’s (LPT) price has surged by 3.81% in the past 30-days. In the past 7-days, the price of Livepeer has surged by 0.09%, and in the past 24-hours, the surge has been worth 2.05%. The price of Livepeer being recorded at the moment is worth $41 per LPT. From the time of launch, the all-time high Livepeer has hit is $100.24. The all-time high for Livepeer was recorded on November 9, 2021. From the all-time high until now, the price of Livepeer has observed a plunge worth 59.12%.

The 30-day trading volume that has been recorded for Livepeer is worth $4,064,624,015. The 7-day trading volume that has been recorded for Livepeer is worth $299,820,195 and the 24h trading volume for Livepeer is worth $169,682,917.

At present, the market valuation recorded for Livepeer is worth $946,159,687. At the moment, Livepeer ranks as the 93rd largest cryptocurrency in the entire crypto-verse.

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