Eiro-group Review – Can This Broker Be Trusted?

Eiro-group Broker Review


Overall Broker Score


Eiro-group Review

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In this Eiro-group review, I am going to tell you everything that you need to know about this firm as well as we are going to look at some of the major features or services that Eiro-group offers and see whether it is worth spending your time and money or not.

Money is the necessity of life. Whether you want to buy your bread and butter or fulfill the dreams that you have seen while you were young, everything from your dream house, car, gadgets, etc., depends on whether you earn much or not. For that purpose, many people are struggling. In fact, the majority of the people are struggling in this case. Everyone who is indulged in their boring routine of 9 to 5 jobs needs a break from it. But not many know how to get away with it. With advancements in technology, earning has become so easy and efficient that you don’t even have to go out of your own house, which is your comfort zone. Online trading is the major instance of it. Thanks to advanced technology, you can now trade your assets online while sitting at your home. Every trade has become available on your fingers. Yes, that is right, with the introduction of the Internet and online trading, everyone can earn a pretty significant amount of money by simply trading from their home using their own device.

Even though trading nowadays has become so convenient, why do people still don’t do it? It is because they are afraid of failures, and they know that they don’t have experience in online trading and don’t know much about it or even at all. To help you fight this barrier between you and your success, there comes a broker. It helps you by providing you the platform to perform online trading, and not only just that but also helps you get used to the new environment by helping you throughout your experience with its prior experience in the field. As these brokers are working for a significant time in the field, their exposure towards this field is relatively much higher than inexperienced or new traders.

But it is very important to choose your broker wisely. Let me tell you why it is important. Let us assume you have signed up with an inexperienced broker who doesn’t have many skills to help you with or it lacks experience. The advice that it is going to give you regarding trading is going to even worsen your experience, and if you are not lucky enough, then you may also lose your investment. I am pretty sure none of you reading this would ever want that. Hence I have done the research and looked into some of the best brokerage firms available on the internet. And I came up with a conclusion that Eiro-group is no doubt delivering its services to the best of its abilities and strengths. The claims of the Eiro-group are pretty fascinating and interesting, but it should be noted that these claims are even fulfilled by Eiro-group. Unlike other brokerage firms, which make huge claims but when the time comes, they disappoint you completely. So with all of that being said, let us dive deep into the Eiro-group and see whether or not it is worth it.

What Makes Eiro-group Better Than Many Other Brokers?

In the fast-moving world, it is very important to keep up with the latest trends and technology. And Eiro-group is exactly doing that. It is one of the very few brokerage firms which are focusing on customer satisfaction and its platform. But If I give you my verdict, it won’t be fair to you unless you know everything yourself so that you can decide if it is the best option for you or not. So here are some of the points which make Eiro-group better than many other brokerage firms out there.

Eiro-group website

  • Financial Advisors At Your Service

As a responsible and professional brokerage firm, Eiro-group leaves no loopholes when it comes to providing its customers with everything. The firm knows that every trader is not joining Eiro-group with prior experience in the field. So that is the reason why they have initiated a financial advisory service. What this service provides is that Eiro-group has a team of highly professional and experienced financial advisors who have years of experience in the field of online trading.

So how does this team help you in trading? It basically provides you with all the latest strategies to trade efficiently. The prior experience and latest analytical tools combine together to help you make the right choices when you are trading. It is very important for a trader to know many tactics of trading, but as a new trader, it is likely to observe that he won’t have that much experience or exposure, but you don’t have to worry when you are working with an Eiro-group. These professionals hired by Eiro-group are capable of giving some pretty promising advice when it comes to crypto trading.

  • Security Is Not Compromised At All

The online world has its benefits and risks as well. Just like every other thing in the world has advantages and disadvantages. But if you can reduce or totally avoid the disadvantages, then it enhances the credibility of that thing. The same is the case with crypto brokers as well. There have been many reports regarding scams and fraudulent activities being done on some of the broker platforms in crypto trading. Some of them were pretty huge to attract the eyes of the media while others were not that significant but still, if we calculate the number so it will surely raise way more than your expectations.

When dealing online, not only your money is at stake, but also the information that you provide to the firm, like your personal information, financial information, etc., are all open to the world. And there are risks as well that there may be hackers and scammers who can access your information. Due to a lack of attention towards this point, many brokerage firms have faced worse consequences that they thought they never would. But Eiro-group is not making the same mistake as others. It is provided with some of the best encryption technologies and security measures to ensure the safety of the customer’s data and money.

Even though your information will still be present to the company, they strictly obey the policies imposed by many financial regulatory authorities. These policies include AML (Anti Money Laundering) and KYC (Know Your Customer) policy, which help Eiro-group to keep track of the activity done on its platform. These policies also help Eiro-group to avoid any type of scammers or fraudsters from signing up to the platform as it requires proof of your residency and identity, and surely no scammer would ever reveal that.

As all of your transactions are done online, Eiro-group is protecting all of your data with SSL technology which is not only going to encrypt your transactions and data but also give you that ultimate peace of mind while you are out there on the hunt for profits.

  • Various Trading Options To Choose From

If you look at the traders, you are going to find two types of them, the first one that includes traders who are always experiencing new skills and opportunities and trying to pave new ways to success, while the second type of traders is just going to be stuck to the safest and convenient asset. If you are the second type of trader, then finding a good broker for yourself is not going to be a hassle. But if you are the first type of trader who wants to explore new opportunities and test his skills, then Eiro-group is surely the best option you have. Let me explain it to you if you have invested everything in one asset, there is a risk that in case the price falls, all of your investment will be lost, but if you are smart and have access to multiple options at a time, then you can invest your capital in different parts from where you can get profit in case any one of them fails.

Eiro-group is keeping everything into consideration, and that is why they are not stuck to the trend of offering only one trading asset, which they highlight a lot. Instead, Eiro-group offers a wide variety of options to trade from. The list of these options is as follows.


If we talk about online trading, Forex trading is the most popular one. Over the past many years, traders are involved in the trading of this trading instrument. Because of its promising profit gaining opportunities, and more exposure by traders towards this field results in a vast number of traders getting involved in this type of trading.

For all those who don’t know much about Forex trading, it is basically an online trading type in which traders trade different types of currencies of different countries. The price differences among these currencies allow traders to buy a certain currency, and if the currency rates rise then, the trader can benefit himself from the fluctuations.

Eiro-group is a broker that focuses on providing traders with multiple options. For that purpose, it has included Forex trading on its platform. Some of the major currencies like USD, EUR, etc., are listed on their platform, while some of the other less popular currencies also possess a small portion of the list.


Even though crypto trading is a relatively new type of trading when compared to the other assets, it is still getting popular very rapidly because of the promising profits that it offers. In fact, it has become one of the most popular trading assets and has attracted many traders. Cryptocurrencies have great potential, and due to the decentralized system, traders prefer crypto over other trading assets.

Eiro-group is delivering its services as a broker in crypto trading as well. The fully experienced and professional team of Eiro-group helps traders to trade cryptocurrency with ease, and because the field is relatively new, Eiro-group provides you everything that you need in order to achieve profits. The platform is offering some of the major cryptocurrencies which you would probably have heard of, such as Bitcoin Cash (BTC), Litecoin, Ethereum (ETH), and many more have been listed on Eiro-group platforms.


Eiro-group not only provides virtual assets to trade, but it also allows traders to trade commodities as well. So if you are one of those traders who are interested in selling and purchasing raw materials like important metals and oils or any other type of raw material like livestock which includes lean hogs, live cattle, soybeans, cocoa, rice, sugar, and many more as well, then Eiro-group is the most suitable option for you.

As trading commodities is an old fashioned and most reliable way of trading, hence it attracts many of the old school traders who are willing to trade this traditional asset but in a modern way.

Eiro-group trading options

  • Different Trading Accounts Offered To You

As a trader, you will have some goals and requirements which you will need during your trade, and it is obvious that as human beings, our requirements are different as well. There are some traders who are experienced enough to play big games in trading, while others who are not that experienced like to take it slow. In order to cater to both types of trader’s needs, Eiro-group has the liberty to be among the very few brokers who offer multiple trading account types which you can choose. These accounts have different features and minimum deposit requirements. In this section, we are going to discuss these accounts in detail and see what Eiro-group offers.

Basic account

As the name tells itself, this is the first type of account that is designed for inexperienced traders who don’t have any knowledge regarding online trading. It is obvious that if you don’t have any prior experience in the field, you are not going to go for bigger investments. That is why Eiro-group has kept the minimum deposit requirement of this account as low as 500 Euros. But that is not it if you are willing to go a little up from this starting price, you can go a maximum of up to 9,999 Euros with this type of account. More on that, if you join Eiro-group with this account type, you are also going to get a bonus of 10% as a welcome gesture from the team of Eiro-group.

The features that are offered in this type of account are really impressive. Traders are going to get one trading signal per day which is going to help them to make the right choices while trading. To help new traders get used to the platform and how trading works, Eiro-group also offers an account manager of junior level, which will accompany you throughout the experience for up to several weeks.

Silver account

If you have gone through the basic account and are ready to step up your game, then Eiro-group is offering this type of account which is known as a Silver account. In this type of account, the minimum deposit starts from 10,000 Euros and goes up to 99,999 Euros. As a next-level account from basic one, silver account also has a 10% extra bonus, which makes it a total of 20% for the traders who open this type of account.

What this account type offers are advanced charts that can be beneficial for slightly experienced traders to work with. And the rest of the features are pretty similar to the basic ones.

Gold account 

Eiro-group assumes that if you are willing to open a type of account and are not satisfied with the features that previous account types offer, then this is the intermediate level of account for you. It starts from a minimum deposit of 100,000 Euros and goes up to a maximum of 249,999 Euros which is a pretty big amount for intermediate level traders.

This type of account offers a bit more than previous ones. It offers you exclusive updates on the latest market trends as well as two trading signals every day which are going to help you trade efficiently. And on top of that, traders also get a 30% of bonus from the Eiro-group if they open this type of account.

Platinum account

All the traders who are willing to play big games and high-risk strategies are welcomed here. This account type is a whole new level of trading. Inexperienced and intermediate traders will not work through this type of account as it starts from a minimum deposit of 250,000 Euros and goes up to a maximum of 499,999 Euros. The Platinum account gives a total of 60% bonus to its users, which is a pretty significant amount. Three times per day trading signals and many more features make this type of account very fascinating for the traders who wish to play big games.

Diamond account 

Every feature that you have seen with previous accounts is offered in this type of account as well along with some additional features as well. The Diamond account starts from a minimum of 500,000 Euros and goes up to 1,000,000 Euros. The bonus of 80% is a very interesting and attractive choice for experienced traders. This type of account also offers you unlimited access to the account manager as well as special invitations to important events, webinars, and a lot more.


If you are extremely experienced and have been working in online trading for a long time, then this is the account type for you if you are willing to get all the top-end perks and features Eiro-group offers. It starts from a minimum of 1,000,000 Euro and goes up to as much as you want. This means there is no maximum limit to this type of account and is perfect for experienced traders. The bonus which awaits you with this type of account is 100%, along with many other exclusive features which the Millionaire account offers.

Final Verdict

As we have discussed, all of the features that Eiro-group offers. It is in your hands to decide whether these features make Eiro-group a worthy choice or not. But by looking at different reviews and testimonials and the features that Eiro-group is offering, surely this is one of the best choices.

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