Meta Launch VR Education Program in Schools to Boost Learning Experiences

Meta Launching VR Education Program to Boost Learning Experiences in Classroom

With the changes in the tech industry, Meta Inc. seeks to boost the learner’s experience by introducing its virtual reality headset Quest to classrooms. In an April 15 announcement, the giant social media platform revealed plans to launch a new education program that will impart knowledge to students between the age of 13 years.

The announcement demonstrated that the new program will allow the students to tour historic sites such as ancient Rome and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, among others, in the comfort of the classroom. Meta, the company behind Facebook and Instagram, has faced regulatory backlash for failing to implement adequate security measures for minors.

Meta Plans to Introduce VR Headsets in Classroom

In its latest development, Meta will demonstrate its commitment to shielding minors from online abuse. The tech company’s new education program seeks to redefine the virtual and augmented reality industry.

Lately, the adoption of VR and AR technology has been silently on the decline. To restore the market position of VR and AR, Meta seeks to introduce learners to this advanced technology.

The Meta team believes the new education program will improve learning experiences by equipping students with impactful knowledge. An announcement conveyed by the president of Meta Global affairs, Nick Clegg, revealed that the tech firm seeks to boost the adoption of VR and AR technology to diverse users.

The official admitted that Meta will be moving immensely in these technologies to attain the end goal. Reflecting on a 2022 study to examine the use of metaverse-oriented devices to boost student performance demonstrated the demand for VR and AR in learning institutions.

Schools Adopt VR and AR Technologies to Boost Learning Experience

The study demonstrated that students attending the online classes at Morehouse College outpaced those who attended in-person courses. The executive added the growing demand for VR and AR in learning institutions inspired Meta to launch a new education program.

He admitted that during the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for advanced devices increased to meet the needs of students enrolling in online classes. According to Chalkbeat, the local authority in New York spent $360 million to acquire 725,000 devices for online classes.

The preventive measure to curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic forced many to shift their learning approach to virtual classrooms. Compared to in-person learning, online classes proved to be cost-effective, enabling the teachers to handle multiple tasks simultaneously.

The Meta team believes that the new education program will grant the teachers complete control of the program and improve user access to suitable programs on the Quest platform.

The newly launched progran will have features similar to Quest, including subscription services. In 2023, Meta introduced subscription services to Quest to allow institutions and companies to manage their meetings and training.

Meta Committed Towards Development of AR and VR Technologies

Even though the Meta team did not disclose the subscription fees for the new education program, its teacher will be allowed to control the headsets of all the students. In the latter, the tech company plans to launch a new education program in the coming months.

The Meta team expressed optimism that the new product will be widely adopted in learning institutions. It implies that other tech companies will follow suit if the adoption of VR and AR headsets increases.

Meta’s top rivals, iPads, and Google, have launched innovative VR headsets to support learning. To gain a strategic advantage, the tech company plans to invest heavily in improving the AR and VR sectors to meet the market demand.

In a recent publication, Meta allocated $94 million to $99 million towards developing artificial intelligence (AI), AR, and VR technologies. Despite key industry players showing less interest in VR and AR technologies, the Meta team vows to remain committed to building transformative devices.

In the past few years, scholars have failed to research how VR technologies could improve learning experiences. Despite fewer studies on the subject matter, the adoption of the VR industry in learning institutions has proven to enhance student motivation.

Where as VR technologies are helping improve learning experiences, Artificial Intelligence is also making life easier for traders who want to learn basics of trading. For example, AI trading bots like Alpha AI are offering educational resources to traders to understand the concepts of trading.

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