Crypto Robbers Sent To Jail In Russia, Court Announces Long-Term Prison Sentences

Jail Time Awarded To Crypto Robbers in Russia

Regional Court in Omsk, Russia concluded the trial involving criminals who were accused of robbing cash and digital currencies from an Individual.

Trial Court passed the final verdict in which robbers have been awarded jail time in one of the harshest prison facilities in Russia.

As per the information supplied by Prosecutor’s Office, a local businessman was robbed by three criminals. The criminals stole from the victim cash as well as digital currencies which were owned by the victim.

The Court found out that two of the three criminals were directly involved in committing the robbery. As regards the third, the Court noted that he helped the two robbers in forging and manipulating identity documents.

The robbery Took Place in July 2021

According to Prosecutor’s Office, the robbery was committed in the month of July 2021. The robbers somehow came to know that the victim owned several digital currencies worth huge sums of money.

Since the criminals were residents of Siberia, they left for Omsk for the purpose of robbing the victim in Omsk.

They closely monitored the daily routine of their target at least for 10 days and then waited for the right moment to strike.

Moment of Strike

It was on the eleventh day when finally the robbers approached the victim off-guard in a quiet alley/street.

Upon being accosted, the victim was then shown forged identity documents by the robbers pretending to be the officers of the law.

The robbers then forcefully threw the victim into the vehicle and took him to an unknown place.

It was at that place where the robbers forced the victim firstly into paying them a ransom exceeding $40,000 in Russian Ruble.

Thereafter, they forced the victim further into transferring cryptocurrencies worth more than $1.1 Million. Collectively, they looted cash and digital currencies worth approximately 87 million in Russian Ruble.

Arrest and Detention of the Criminals

The criminals however let the victim go unharmed. Later, the victim went to the local police and registered an FIR.

Upon registration of the FIR, police started to investigate the robbery and arrested several suspects, including the three main criminals.

The criminals were then identified and detained by police authorities for questioning and later charges were leveled against them.

When robbers were brought before the trial, they were given the opportunity to admit their crime but instead, they pleaded ‘not guilty’.

Left with no option, the Court then proceeded to commence the trial and eventually final verdict was passed recently.

Based on the ruling of the Court, two robbers would be jailed for at least nine and a half years. While the third criminal would serve jail time of up to six years.

By the order of the Court, the criminals would very soon be handed over to the city’s correctional colony whey they would serve their jail time. It may be noted that this prison facility is the harshest in Russia.

While ordering criminals’ imprisonments, the Court also demanded them to immediately arrange funds for compensating the victim. Such funds are required for eroding the damage caused by the criminals upon the victim.

Prosecution of Crypto Robbers

It is still a rare occasion where a crypto robber has been convicted and justice served. Otherwise, crypto criminals were often seen successfully absconding the law and avoiding justice.

However, in the recent past, there have been many instances where trials of crypto robbers have been concluded successfully by various courts.

Russia is one of those countries where a large number of such criminal activities have been taking place for a long time. Perhaps the lack of a legal framework is one of the major causes why such activities are rampant in Russia.

A few months back, a local crypto miner was robbed.

Similarly, in 2021, masked criminals forced their entry into a mining far in Moscow and stole digital currencies at gunpoint. Millions of dollar worth of digital currencies were reportedly gone missing from the farm.

Yet Russia is taking steps to counter such activities and in this connection, early convictions are announced mainly in crypto robbery cases.

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